FPGA power and complexity by hosting C language aspects of a signal processing application. BittWare's solutions are based upon industry standard COTS form factors including PCIe, AMC, VPX / Open VPX, VME / VXS, CompactPCI, PCI, XMC, FMC (VITA 57), and PMC.
BittWare Anemone™ Co-Processor for FPGA Boards
BittWare's Anemone™ is a completely scalable, up to 750 MHz multicore processor with 16 eCores that provide a total sustained performance of 24 GFLOPS while consuming only 1 Watt of total chip power. Our Anemone-based boards provide on-board DDR3 and/or QDRII SRAM and support multiple SerDes protocols such as PCIe, GigE, SRIO, and SerialLite.
BittWare's Anemone-based boards are supported by our ATLANTiS™ FrameWork(AFW) which promotes design and FPGA code re-use while reducing risk, trimming development time, and significantly cutting program costs.
Our FINe™ Host/Control Bridge facilitates separate control and data planes, greatly simplifying development of data plane I/O and processing.
The boards are also supported by BittWorks, BittWare's mature and robust software tools providing complete hardware and FPGA interfaces, enabling developers to be up and running on BittWare hardware in minutes.
Featured Products
Altera Stratix®V GX/GS PCIe Board with up to Eight Anemone 104 FPGA Co-Processors.
Dual Altera Stratix®IV FPGA AdvancedMC with four Anemone 104 FPGA Co-Processors.
Altera Stratix®IV GX AdvancedMC with four Anemone 104 FPGA Co-Processors.
Commercial & Rugged Altera Stratix®IV GX 3U VPX Board with four Anemone 104 FPGA Co-Processors.
Quad Anemone Floating Point Co-Processor VITA-57 FMC